"Debut solo album "EDEIDA" offers a wonderful collection of songs that share the interplay between light and darkness or fragility and violence as central themes."
- This Sound I Ride
- This Sound I Ride
"Charlie Romijn has, under the banner of Silver Stairs Of Ketchikan, created an album that is rich in imagery and texture. EDEIDA is a world for us to disappear in to, removing us from our own location and into a place full of crumbling staircases, flickering curtains and the faces of characters we invest our time and concern in. EDEIDA is a wonderful act of storytelling via the medium of music and is a singular vision executed beautifully."
- At The Barrier
- At The Barrier
"Silver Stairs Of Ketchikan is a solo outlet of Thought Forms ringleader Charlie Romijn. It’s always been an intimate, profoundly personal quest, often wrought in the improvised moment. Anybody that’s been lucky enough to see her live will testify to the witchy atmospheres she conjures, the abstracted emotions laid bare in looped violin, cello and guitar, and this latest offering gives the uninitiated a good idea of what they have been missing out on.
It’s clear to see this is a labour of love; the snaking interlock and arch of the instrumentation, the extraordinary detail that wraps every single track in a sophisticated use of light’n’shade that ensnares your focus so superbly. Without a doubt Edeida has real star quality, a muscled dynamic offering plenty of reward."
- Freq
It’s clear to see this is a labour of love; the snaking interlock and arch of the instrumentation, the extraordinary detail that wraps every single track in a sophisticated use of light’n’shade that ensnares your focus so superbly. Without a doubt Edeida has real star quality, a muscled dynamic offering plenty of reward."
- Freq
"Both lyrically and musically, EDEIDA has the appearance of a defiantly bleak and personal take on life, love and all who sail in her, flashing a thoroughly satisfying two fingers...
Dark psychedelic folk as hauntingly beautiful as it is unnerving...
The title track, a gorgeously refined serving of acid folk. You could get lost in those woods and never find your way out, not that you’d wish to...
Substantial and deeply invigorating, it has that deliciously special Hex Factor."
- Terrascope
Dark psychedelic folk as hauntingly beautiful as it is unnerving...
The title track, a gorgeously refined serving of acid folk. You could get lost in those woods and never find your way out, not that you’d wish to...
Substantial and deeply invigorating, it has that deliciously special Hex Factor."
- Terrascope
"Other worldly and shimmering with an ethereal beauty it's music designed to transport you to another sphere."
- Pulse-Alternative Magazine
- Pulse-Alternative Magazine
"Charlie Romijn has more strings to her bow than merely her involvement with Thought Forms, and Silver Stairs of Ketchikan, her more abstract project, proves this in earnest - largely improvised foraying into six string trance states and Terry Riley-esque mantras, these otherworldly landscapes are fit to have a transformative effect on any environment they come into contact with." - Supernormal Festival
"First up was Silver Stairs of Ketchikan - a solo off-shoot of the Thought Forms collective. Namely one Charlie Romijn, who sat cross legged in amongst various effect boxes and electronic spaghetti. She mixed guitar/vocal/violin fragments to produce some angelic concoctions, that in the dark retraction of the room made my toes curl. Slightly shoegazery, she tapped into some magical narrative somewhere amidst all that loop/delay and capture trickery, something I’m eager to hear more of." - Review of gig at The Cube Microplex in Bristol
"Exotic colours strung along a cobweb of frail heart-beats... Everything is delayed, Escher-like, into a giddy sickness spiral sucking at the void. Secondary patterns break across the surface in shivers of excitement, as scatter cushions of tune clasp tightly around the phantoms...
...almost too beautiful to describe, as poly-vocals drift across a twilight of instrumentation, punctuated by the fluttering of digital moths. Bell-like chimes falling in its wake, like infected apparitions dispersing on the back of a hypnotic double take, that literally weaves between the ears in disappearing key motifs... edgy jazz infusion, where a sparse reed/lullaby opens up to a squalling clarinet bird call, that dissolves into another curious vocal bath. From here on in, the perspective is thrown into a foreshortened free fall, becoming a nest of twisted voice shapes, spinning and slipping over into the ep’s closer, where the sound carnivorously eats up the space around it like a Wizard of Oz cyclone." - Review of "Time Is My Eye" EP
...almost too beautiful to describe, as poly-vocals drift across a twilight of instrumentation, punctuated by the fluttering of digital moths. Bell-like chimes falling in its wake, like infected apparitions dispersing on the back of a hypnotic double take, that literally weaves between the ears in disappearing key motifs... edgy jazz infusion, where a sparse reed/lullaby opens up to a squalling clarinet bird call, that dissolves into another curious vocal bath. From here on in, the perspective is thrown into a foreshortened free fall, becoming a nest of twisted voice shapes, spinning and slipping over into the ep’s closer, where the sound carnivorously eats up the space around it like a Wizard of Oz cyclone." - Review of "Time Is My Eye" EP